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noneWhat does your body odour say

What does your body odour say about your health?

Every one of us is irritated by some kind of body odour. But what does it say about your health? Read our article below to learn how to manage your body odour.

Body odour is an embarrassing physical condition that most people go out of their way to hide. But, unfortunately, not everyone is successful in doing that - people who have found themselves hanging with a smelly straphanger on the subway can surely attest to that. 

Even though you shower regularly as part of your routine to stay fresh in the summer or any season, you must have experienced body odour in some way or another. 

Now hold on for a second. Before you rush to analyze the kind of odour your body is producing, remember that this is an entirely natural phenomenon and a result of bacteria in your body breaking down protein into certain acids. 

But sometimes, the type of odour or a change in odour can also reveal an underlying health condition. 

The science behind body odour

The body odour you may be most familiar with is sweat. But, surprisingly, sweat itself doesn’t have an odour. In its purest form, sweat is simply fluids being released from your body.  

When the germs, bacteria, and fungus on your skin mixes with that sweat, you have a sharp odour. But, by ensuring you shower or bath with antibacterial soap or liquid body wash, you will not only be getting rid of the odour but also protecting yourself from various diseases. 

For example, using antiseptic liquid when washing your clothes will kill 99% of germs and bacteria on your clothes. 

Certain food items can also trigger body odour. For example, eat a lot of asparagus, and your urine will have a stench that you wouldn’t like. Similarly, consuming too much garlic and your bad breath will force people to stop talking to you. 

Remember these food hygiene rules to live by; you will never have to worry about bad health or body odour. 

What can your body odour tell you?

Here are some health conditions your bad or unusual body odour can alert you about: 


A fruity or sweet body odour can be a sign of diabetes. Also, if the sugar concentration in your urine is increased, it can cause some smell. In the old days, medical experts diagnosed diabetes by smelling a patient’s breath or urine. 

Diabetic Ketoacidosis is a condition in which a diabetic patient with a low insulin count can produce urine with a sweet smell. 


When your body starts to burn fat instead of carbohydrates, it can cause your breath to have a foul odour. This phenomenon occurs due to a ketogenic diet that causes an imbalance in your vaginal pH. 

Vaginal Conditions

Changes in your urine odour may also hint at the risk of having a urinary tract infection, which can cause your urine to smell like ammonia. 

Hormonal Changes

Hormone changes are also responsible for unusual and different body odours. By nature, every human has a unique scent. However, these scents, such as ovulation, can strengthen during specific times. 

Hormonal changes during menopause, menstruation, or pregnancy can lead to your body releasing different odours as they can lead to increased sweating.

How can you manage body odour?

To limit or manage your body odour, it is essential to follow these hygiene practices: 

  • Wash your hands, armpits, groin, and feet at least twice daily with antibacterial soap or liquid body wash. 
  • Change and wash your clothes regularly with Dettol antiseptic liquid to eliminate 99% of germs and bacteria from the garments. 
  • Shaving or waxing under your arms, combined with soap and water, can reduce body odour.
  • Use antiperspirants and deodorants regularly. 

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