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Is it more hygienic to shower in the morning or at night?

A shower in the morning can help you wake up, but a shower at night can help you fall asleep faster. So which one is better and hygienic?

When it comes to showering, people have different habits and preferences. Some prefer long, spa-grade washes, while others like a simple, quick in-and-out rinse. Some want to take showers regularly, while others see it as a fundamental means of staying fresh in the summer

Many people use antibacterial liquid body wash, while others stay with the conventional antibacterial bar soap. The list of binaries is endless. 

But perhaps the most heated and well-discussed amongst them is the great debate between morning and night showers; some swear to early morning cleanse, while others wouldn’t go to sleep without a good rinse. 

So we decided to put a rest to this debate once and for all. 

In this article, we will list the pros and cons of morning and night showers that will offer some helpful insight into whether it is better to shower in the morning or at night. 

Pros & cons of morning showers: 

Pro: Wash off sweat and bacteria from your sleep. 

A morning shower works similarly to washing your face. If you are likely to wake up sweaty, a quick morning shower is a perfect way to start your day with balanced and fresh skin. 

Moreover, you’d also be cleansing your body from germs and bacteria that have multiplied on your skin overnight. Remember to use antibacterial liquid body wash or bar soap for complete hygienic and germ-free protection.     

Pro: Refreshing wake-up. 

If you struggle to wake up in the morning, a morning shower may be the perfect answer to wake you up with a splash. Moreover, some studies show that morning showers with cool water can boost daily productivity. 

Con: Going to bed dirty. 

Your body, especially your skin, accumulates plenty of dirt, filth, germs, and bacteria at the end of each day. If you develop a habit of only showering in the morning, you might be going to bed with some built-up pathogens that can cause various diseases. 

Morning or night showers are only productive if you frequently follow essential bathroom hygiene tips. Moreover, developing a habit of showering at least once daily can help you avoid infectious diseases. 

Pros & cons of night showers: 

Pro: A soothing way to wind down. 

The spray works twofold. While a morning shower wakes you up, a night shower can help your body prepare for a good night's rest. According to research, showering or a warm bath at night before bed cools down the body’s core temperature and promotes sleep

Pro: Wash off daily debris before bed.

Oil and bacteria can accumulate on your skin even if you stay home all day. So night showers are crucial for washing off daily grime, especially after a long day of house chores, gardening, or any activity that makes you want to shower off debris.  

Con: Waking up feeling oily. 

You may wake up looking a little greasy if you have oily skin. But, just like you cleanse your face in the morning, your body may also benefit from a quick rinse. 

Also, if you go to bed with sopping wet hair, you could risk some breakage (your hair is most fragile when wet, so it's prone to wear and tear as you toss and turn). 

Showering with Dettol body wash has many benefits, including a pH-balanced formula for germs protection, a moisture barrier, and healthy skin. 

How to decide which one works for you best: 

Do you need help deciding whether to shower in the morning or at night? Don’t worry. Here are some things to consider before deciding on your showering routine. 

  • When do you sweat more, in the morning or at night? This will affect your showering routine. 
  • How does the shower make you feel, i.e., does it energize or relax you?
  • Your work and life schedule will also affect when you shower.

The Takeaway

Ultimately, it is up to you. Whether you shower in the morning or at night entirely depends on your lifestyle. 

Regardless of your preference, both morning and night showers have their benefits. By considering your gym schedule, how showers make you feel, and your daily routine, you can determine the best option for you.

Now that you've determined when to shower, you should learn more about the importance of personal hygiene.

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