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Once you start using it, you’ll be bringing your baby’s stroller everywhere—and that can mean your baby is picking up a whole lot of germs. So, it’s never too soon to learn how to clean a stroller. It’s not such a tough task – we’ve got a few tips to help you along. You will soon learn how to clean a stroller to get the deepest clean, and then rest easy every time your child rests in it knowing that she's safe from bacteria and germs. Sippy cups spills, rogue snack crumbs and potty training accidents are all common problems your stroller will probably face – so you must know how to clean a stroller so your baby is safe at all times.

  • Check your owner's manual, or if you lost it, check the manufacturer's website for any model-specific care instructions. These can also tell you how to dismantle certain parts of the stroller to get a deeper clean.
  • Get rid of loose dirt and crumbs – using a crevice attachment on your vacuum is a good way to do this.
  • Use water and a gentle soap to spot clean the fabric of the stroller's basket. If your stroller has a removable cover or fabric, rinse or soak this in cool water, scrubbing out any stains.
  • Once all the fabric is dry, follow up with a Disinfectant Spray to refresh and sanitize the cloth.
  • Wipe down hard parts of the stroller with a Disinfecting Wipe, or, if there are a lot of them, use our Multi-Purpose Cleaner to clean every part. This includes handles as well. Don't forget the wheels of the stroller, they can pick up a lot of dirt. If your stroller has tires, consider pumping some air into them. If they aren't maneuvering smoothly, spritz some lubricant over them to get them moving properly.
  • Store your stroller in a cool, dry place so that it won't get rusty, musty or mildewed.

Now that you know a little bit more about how to clean a stroller, you can enjoy yours for years to come. What is Dettol’s role and helping keep baby healthy, here? Be sure to keep an eye out for important stroller information and recalls and in the meantime, keep on rolling with your baby or toddler!

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